I'm not really the most crafty person. It's not that I can't do crafts and sewing, etc, I've just never been that into it. Sometimes I wish I was more into it, sometimes I'm glad I'm not. Over the years, I have made a few things that I have been proud of and today I'll mention 3.
The school I went to for K-4th grades had an Arts & Crafts and Science Fair every year that encouraged children from all grades (it was a K-12 school) to participate in- actually, I guess we had to do a science project, but the craft project was optional. I did both projects most years, but the only craft project I really remember doing was in 3rd grade. I made a sleeping bag for my Cabbage Patch Kid doll (actually, the doll was a handmade version of a Cabbage Patch kid- made by my mom). It was a lot of work and I learned that I am actually a decent sewer- too bad I haven't used that talent well. I won 1st place in my grade. I still have the sleeping bag, boxed up with all of my favorite girl toys that I have saved over the years, just on the chance that I'll have a daughter, and my Cabbage Patch kid sits on my closet shelf.
We bought a nice cherry wood coffee table and 2 end tables from our neighbors when they moved. With 3 kids, I wanted a way to protect the coffee table from scratches and crayons, and whatever the kids may do to it, so I came up with an idea to make a cover for the coffee table. We picked out some fabric and some padding and I went to it. I only had the coffee table for a pattern, but I think it turned out pretty good. I still haven't finished it the way I wanted, but it's serving it's purpose (I wanted to add elastic or straps or something to keep it on better). Here's a picture:
My most recent project was making train-themed pajamas for my friend's daughter. I also picked up some other fabric to make the my nephew and my boys some pajamas while I was at it. It was a way easy project. Here is a picture of one of the pairs of pajama pants:
Nate has also done a few projects in the past year. Most notably, has been the train table he made for the kids. It wasn't all made by hand, as the table started out as an old coffee table, but he did have to do a lot of work converting it into the play table it is now- the only part of the table that was unchanged were the legs (with exception to them being painted). Here it is:
Nate has also put in a lot of time remodeling our downstairs bathroom. He has mudded over the orange peel wall texture and, with the help of his dad, added bead board and changed out the toilet and sink. He also has added some nice trim detail. I'm in charge of painting the room, so it's really my fault that the project is not yet complete, but I hope to get myself moving soon to complete it. I'll post a picture when it's finished.
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