Saturday, September 29, 2007


Spamalot came to Salt Lake City and Nate was very excited to see it. Although we knew exactly when it was, we waited for whatever reason and didn't get our tickets until about 2 weeks before the show. Our seats were the absolute last seats available in our sections. Seriously- last row of the balcony, last two seats on the far right. Visability was mostly a problem for me due to tall guys sitting in the couple rows in front of me, but our neighbor realized that since we were the back row we could get away with sitting on our seats folding up and that was much better. I really enjoyed the show and was reminded once again why I love theatre so much, whereas Nate ended up absolutely hating it. Here's what he has to say about the experience: "At first it was mildly uninteresting and then it degenerated into completely intolerable." He really thought that a Monty Python musical would be different, but it was not the case. They just made fun of the typical musical by singing about typical musicals in the same style. So much for my hopes that he would change his mind about musicals and take me to see more. I guess I'll just have to find someone else to go with me next year when Wicked comes to Salt Lake. We are going to Cedar City for our anniversary to see The Tempest and The Mousetrap, so hopefully he'll enjoy those and take me to see more plays (of the non-musical variety).

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